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1st Saturday

Nov 05, 2022

The First Saturday Devotion joins us in prayer for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It includes the following elements, completed with the intention of the reparation for blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to bring about peace in the world:

  • Confession (shortly before or after the First Saturday – so long as the person receives Holy Communion in a state of grace)
  • Holy Communion received on the First Saturday of the month
  • Holy Rosary (A Scripture-based prayer on the life & ministry of Jesus Christ)
  • 15min Meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary

Join us for 8:30am Saturday Mass at CTK, followed with a community Rosary and Guided Meditation.

Sunday Mass Times:

10am | 12pm (Español) | 6pm | 8pm

Mon & Tue: 6pm
Wed & Thu: 11:45am

Confession Times:

Mon & Tue: 4:30pm
Wed & Thu: 11am
Sat: 2:30pm

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Mon – Thu: 9am – 10pm
*During Fall & Spring Semester

See full Sacrament schedule