…is an intercessory prayer team made up of parents, alumni, family, and friends of students & staff at Christ the King—men and women! Intercessors receive an email with monthly updates on CTK’s Student Ministry/upcoming prayer events and weekly Rosary reminders with the CTK prayer intentions.

Morning of Prayer RSVP

Our Lady’s Fighting Tigers is an intercessory prayer team made up of parents, alumni, family, and friends of students & staff at Christ the King—men and women! Join us on Wednesday, March 12, for a morning of prayer at CTK beginning with check in and a light breakfast at 9 a.m. Following check in, there will be a talk from Kevin McCall at 10 a.m. proceeded by time for prayer, praise and worship and confession. We will conclude with Mass at 11:45 a.m. Please RSVP and help us spread the word! Catholic lay evangelist Kevin McCall encountered Holy Spirit as a 19-year-old and has been chasing after Jesus ever since. Desiring every believer to know who they are in Christ, he teaches and prays with enthusiasm and practical wisdom to make the gospel relevant in today’s world. To learn more about Kevin and his ministry, visit becomingbarnabas.org.

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