CTK Student Leadership

We are excited you are considering applying for 2025-2026 CTK student leadership! Please read below for more details about the mission and vision of Christ the King and how we strive to live out that mission. You can also download a PDF copy of this information by clicking the link below. Take some time to read this, pray and ask the Lord how He desires you to serve Him and His Church here on LSU’s campus. The leadership application can be found below and is due on Friday, March 28. Interviews will take place throughout March and the beginning of April.

Christ the King Mission, Vision, & Core Values:

Mission: The salvation of souls and the greater glory of God.

Vision: Christ the King is a house of formation on LSU’s campus for lifelong missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

Core Values:

  1. Rooted in a personal relationship with Christ and the sacramental life of the Church
  2. Humbly confident
  3. Works as a team and a family
  4. Hard working 
  5. Mission oriented

CTK student leadership is for anyone willing to commit to living as a missionary disciple of Jesus Christ.

Expectations and Commitments of Student Leaders:

  • Live the habits of Acts 2:42 (teachings of the apostles, communal life, sacraments, and
  • prayer)
  • Be on mission and invest deeply in a few (Matthew 28:18-20)
  • Participate in a discipleship group


  • Spend at least 20 minutes in silent mental prayer each day
  • Observe Fridays as a penitential day by either abstaining from meat or participating in
  • Some other sacrifice or penance (precept #4 of the Catholic Church – read more here)

Sacramental Life: 

  • Attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation
  • Receive reconciliation (confession) regularly
  • Attend daily Mass when possible

Teachings of the Apostles:

  • Seek to grow in human, spiritual, intellectual and apostolic formation

Communal Life:

  • Participation and attendance at CTK Leadership Workshop on 8/16 and semesterly leadership gatherings
  • Strive to live a life of virtue in accord with the teachings of the Church
  • Investment in relationships with others in the CTK community
  • Present, when possible, at other CTK activities beyond those required


  • Commitment to your particular apostolate or leadership role
  • Prayerfully consider which of your peers the Lord may be calling you to invite and/or accompany in their journey of discipleship with Jesus Christ
    • Often these will be members who you serve/lead in your apostolate or who you already find yourself around on a regular basis because of class, work, Greek life, clubs, etc.
    • Invite them into your life and insert yourself into theirs; spend time with them!

Discipleship Groups:

  • Students applying for leadership roles:
    • Discipleship groups are required.
    • Before starting your leadership role, you must receive basic formation in the habits of Acts 2:42 (teachings of the apostles, communal life, Sacraments, and prayer) in a discipleship group.
    • During your first semester in your leadership role, you must receive formation in a core set of mission skills in a discipleship group.
  • All other students can participate in discipleship groups if desired. These discipleship groups will provide a space for intentionality and accountability in living the habits of Acts 2:42 (teachings of the apostles, communal life, Sacraments, and prayer) and preparation to leave LSU as lifelong missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

Leadership Role Descriptions:

Transformative Bible Study Leader: Leads and guides a group of peers through a weekly Bible study. The goal of a transformative Bible study is to facilitate an encounter with Jesus Christ, cultivate authentic friendship among members of the study, and stoke a desire to go and evangelize others. Bible study leaders should know how to pray with scripture, feel comfortable facilitating conversation, and have a heart for others to come to know Jesus through His Word. Preparing for a study entails praying with and going through a leader’s guide, interceding for members, and receiving coaching in a discipleship group. Approximate three hours per week time commitment.

Community Night Heads (two): Works directly with the Director of Campus Ministry Brennan Garriques to be responsible for planning and executing all aspects of community nights, including guiding the community night team in their specific roles as table leaders, set-up and food service, etc. Approximately one to two hours per week time commitment, maybe more on weeks that have Community Night.

Community Night Team: Works under the guidance of community night heads to ensure that all details of community night are executed well in order to provide a space of encounter for all community night attendees. Roles within this team include table leaders, set-up and food service, greeters, etc. Approximately two and a half hours of time commitment for each Community Night.

Freshman Outreach Heads (two): Works directly with the Director of Campus Ministry Brennan Garriques to be responsible for integrating freshmen into the CTK community and providing spaces for them to encounter Jesus Christ. Areas of freshman outreach to oversee include but are not limited to Bengal Bound, ARISE, Freshman Welcome Week, and Freshman Fun Night. Approximate time commitment varies from one hour to three hours per week depending on the roles and season.

Freshman Outreach Team: Works under the guidance of the freshman outreach heads to connect freshmen to the community of CTK and to the person of Jesus Christ. There are several opportunities to serve with the freshman outreach team including but not limited to Bengal Bound, ARISE, Freshman Welcome Week, and Freshman Fun Night. Approximate time commitment is about an hour a week depending on the roles and season.

Confirmation Core Team: Works with the CTK Confirmation/OCIA Director Grace Krause to help accompany candidates for confirmation along their journey of discipleship. Responsibilities include attending orientation with confirmation coordinator, watching one 30-50 minute video per week on your own time to prepare for small group discussion, and attending a small group meeting (30 minutes) each week to help facilitate conversation. Approximate. time commitment is one and a half hours a week.

OCIA Core Team: Works with the CTK Confirmation/OCIA Director Grace Krause to help accompany catechumens, candidates for full communion, and confirmands along their journey of discipleship and preparation to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. Responsibilities include attending orientation with OCIA director, attending Tuesday night classes (6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.) at CTK, and helping to facilitate small group discussion. Team members might also be chosen to meet one-on-one with an OCIA college student of the same gender to hear their story and help them integrate more into the CTK community. OCIA core team members will also be encouraged to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church along with the class so that they can have a clearer knowledge of the Church’s most important teachings. Approximate time commitment is three hours a week.

Men’s Ministry Heads (two): Works directly with the JPII House Co-coordinator Bryce Pellegrin to help create, organize, and facilitate men’s ministry events and culture. The goal of men’s ministry is to gather men within the CTK community and on campus to help them grow in their love of Christ through fellowship and formation. Those interested should be men who have a deep interior life with Christ. This commitment includes weekly discipleship with the JPII House co-coordinator. Approximate time commitment varies from one to three hours a week depending on when men’s events take place and what cultural efforts are being emphasized.

Women’s Ministry Heads (two): Works directly with the Women’s Ministry Campus Minister Rachel Haydel and the other head in planning and executing women’s ministry events and retreats each semester. In addition to events and retreats, the women’s ministry heads are asked to be intentional about reaching out to women in the CTK community and on campus to accompany them in their relationship with the Lord and foster a strong women’s community at CTK. This commitment includes weekly discipleship with the women’s ministry campus minister. Approximate time commitment varies from one to three hours a week depending on when women’s events and retreats take place.

Music Ministry: Separate application; reach out to Rachel Haydel at rhaydel@ctklsu.org to find out more information.

Leadership Application

Step 1 of 3

In Fall 2025, I will be a:(Required)

Questions? Contact Brennan Garriques at bgarriques@ctklsu.org.